The Trust supports the school through Jason, his family and the staff – who have the skills, knowledge, determination and vision – but not the financial wherewithal.
The Trustees:

- Christine Browning, BSc (Hons) – Company Director
- John Higham – Marketing Manager and Web Designer
- Roger Maclaverty, LLB – Retired Solicitor, Notary Public
- Camilla Maclaverty, LLB(Hons), MSc Overseas Development
- Ben Pattie – Public Relations and Social Media
- Ram Varma – ACA Chartered Accountant, Treasurer
- Helen Wilde – Charity Fund Raiser and former High Sheriff of Bristol
The work of the Trust is fully supported by Hannah’s parents Hilary and Trevor Foster, who are kept informed at all times of what we do and what is happening in Hannah’s school.
How we manage the Trust
The Trustees give all their time for free, charge no personal expenses, and apart from minimal essential costs, every penny raised is used entirely for the benefit of the school and its pupils.
Even our interest bearing Bank Account is free! School Budgets are agreed in advance, all expenditure is recorded and monitored, and our aim is for at least annual visits by one or more trustees.
Support for the school – what do we fund?
Ongoing running costs include:
- Salaries – for the Head Teacher and other teachers, two classroom assistants who help with the youngest children, a cleaner for toilets and classrooms, and Jason for his work in managing and maintaining the school
- Maintenance and repair of buildings – the Darjeeling region is in an earthquake zone, and also subject to the annual monsoon season, requiring regular and occasionally major repair works.
- Books – work books for each child in all 6 subjects need replacing each year
- Uniforms – Made by the local tailor
- Secondary school financial support – for the poorest children whose parents are unable to afford uniforms or books
- Teacher training
Capital works – so far, we have also funded:
- A covered walkway to the toilet block;
- A covered playground area for the rainy season;
- A ‘homestay’ building;
- Separate toilet for teachers;
- Insulation for the roof to keep it cooler in summer, warmer in winter;
- The purchase of a 4- wheel drive car to taxi teachers and some pupils to and from the school and in the case of emergencies, to offer assistance to the wider community.