The Standard Indian Curriculum
This is followed at every level; the school has the correct workbooks and text books as used by all the best schools in Darjeeling. This is enhanced by a range of appropriate English story books of all levels (donated by individuals and UK Primary Schools) with most sent free of charge by a UK export company.
Education goes beyond the standard curriculum to include living skills, personal hygiene, environmental issues like litter, social skills etc. The library of story books enables time to be set aside for reading for pleasure and the children have assembly and singing and sports and playtimes with skipping, football – and of course, cricket! Just like schools everywhere else.
English Language
All teaching is in English – considered the ‘gold standard’ for education in India – pupils can only speak English during school hours, and that includes playtime. The result of this total immersion is the extremely high quality of spoken and written English the pupils achieve.
Core Subjects
These are English, Nepali (their home language) and Hindi (children learn reading and writing in all three as required by the National Curriculum) plus Maths and Science, with History and Geography added in year 2. There are tests each Friday, and at term-end and year-end. Children who pass the year end exams move to the next level, any who do not are allowed to repeat the year.